
That's my expectation. I reckon the Party Leadership may be settled by c.o.p. today. Cannot see Elin refusing a recall request.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by David Collins

Many thanks. The potential problem with small bodies like Welsh govt is if personal relations turn sour they can become very unstable very quickly as I am sure you will agree. So just aswell the fire has been put out

I really resent the prospect of being represented by Reform MSs who who frankly will not be interested in proper scutiny- just collecting their pay and expenses and pushing for abolition of the Senedd.

The public are not in favour of more MSs and the closed list system wil further alienate the public and depress turn out.

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I have observed enough Labour Groups up close to recognise how the narcissism of small differences operates.

Reform have to beaten through political scrutiny rather than by relying on most votes wins. The threshold for winning seats in new system (15 percent or so) isn't in practice very much different from the present AMS PR system.

Will have to see how voters react. Outright repeal requires same 2/3 supermajority; so don't imagine is on cards this side of 2026. Afterwards assembling such a supermajority with more members (& parties) will be no easier.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

Thank you. So.. is it your understanding, that if there are no other nominations for Labour

Leader we could end up with a new First Minister by the end of this week?

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