A very interesting read

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With respect (and, yes, I know in the great history of British cliches that usually signifies the opposite - but this case I mean it) you are writing from a London perspective. There is a Northen one too (I write from Teesside). There's a good piece from "Council House Socialism" which, although I don't agree with every word, is useful reading here. https://www.councilestatemedia.uk/2021/02/can-starmers-flag-shagging-really-win.html

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I am very fond of Teesside. Despite giving me an ex husband, it also introduced me to the local wonder that is a parmo.

I write from a London perspective because I am a Londoner. But I am also someone who has spent a long time looking at local government throughout England (I am such a geek I have favourite town halls!).

While I don't agree with all of that piece, I think largely we're making the same point. That patriotism doesn't and shouldn't simply be flag waving and pandering.

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